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1. Follow the strictly sanitary-epidemiological regime adopted to the medical-prophylactic institution (hospital).

2. Follow the strictly requirements of the teacher and the medical staff of a hospital.

3. Do not turn on or off medical, office and other equipment without the permission of medical staff.

4. Take special care when dealing with potentially hazardous environments (blood, urine, saliva, feces, vomit, etc.). Use personal protective equipment (masks, gloves).

5. Strictly observe the requirements of the preservation of medical secrecy and legislation on personal data (it is strictly forbidden to conduct audio, video, make photos, to disclose the data obtained during a conversation with the patient, contained in medical documentation, etc.).

6. Be polite to the patient, regardless of their behavior. Call patients by the full name. A clear plan must be followed when examining the patient.

7. Do not discuss the diagnosis of patients, treatment regimen, relationships with family and others. For all these questions, refer the patient to a doctor or a teacher.

8. Do not touch the topics that cause a strong emotional tension of the patient during the conversation.

9. Conduct the examination of a patient only in the ward or in the classroom.

10. Do not perform the patient's requests to transfer or bring something, etc. without the permission of the doctor, if this request is not directly related to the care of the patient.

11. Do not leave personal things in the ward (books, exercise books, telephones, etc.)

12. Use personal protective equipment (masks, ointments) during influenza epidemics.

13. Do not disturb the personal space of patients (do not sit on the bed, etc.).

14.Avoid transfer relationships of students, medical staff, teachers and patients in interpersonal relationships.

15. Medical uniform of students both for practical studies and lectures: white robe. This is an obligatory student’s form.

16. Footwear in a hospital: shoes must be changed. Shoes must be clean, well kept. Athletic style shoes and shoe covers are not allowed.

17. Changeable footwear should be worn before entering the room.

18. Outward appearance: extreme hair colours, hairstyles, and hair ornaments should not be worn. Cosmetics should be moderately used. Perfumes, colognes or heavy fragrances should not be worn, as many patients are supersensitive and experience respiratory distress when exposed to chemical scents or odours. Fingernails must be clean, short, and neatly trimmed.


Lectures and practical studies are obligatory to attend.

Come to the medical institution (hospital) on time, don’t be late