The first English-speaking section of the propaedeutics of internal diseases department was held at the Second City Hospital

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IMG 0195On December 11, 2019, the first English-speaking section of the propaedeutics of internal diseases department was held at the Second City Hospital.





1. Clinical presentation of the patient of the cardiological department of BU "GB№2"

Patient I.,1932, diagnosis: M: IHD with rhythm disturbance. SSSU. Persistent form of bradysystolic atrial fibrillation. Com: CHF II “B” FC IV. Bilateral hydrothorax. AV block 1g. in anamnesis.    Con: Hypertension of the III degree, III stage. Obesity 1 (BMI-32 kg/m2). Risk IV (very high). Atherosclerosis of the aorta, the valves. Diabetes mellitus, 2 type. Chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbation.

Prepared by: students M-12 (2) -17AN: Eltayar Shadi Mustafa Abdelaziz Hassan, Eltentavi Hossam Mahmoud Ibrahim.

2. Report and presentation of the topic "Chronic heart failure: clinical aspects, diagnosis"

Prepared by: students of M-11(3)-17AN: Elroba Elsayed Tarek Ahmed, Ibrahim Mahmoud Eid, st. of M-13 (1) -17 AN Mohamed Ahmed Raafat Faruk.

3. Answers to the questions, discussion the topics with teachers.

Discussion of the theoretical aspects of chronic heart failure in modern clinical medicine, including risk factors, clinical diagnostic features and modern treatment methods in different countries: Russian Federation, India and Egypt.

4. Clinical examination of the patient in the therapeutic department BU "GB№ 2"

Patient A., diagnosis: M. Hypertension of the III degree, III stage, risk IV (very high). Com .: CHF II “A” FC II. Hypertensive crisis 12.11.19. Con.: Atherosclerosis of the aorta. Varicose veins. The operated stomach in anamnesis.

 12 people attended the event, including Sapozhnikova S.Y., Ksenofontova A.G.,Vasilyeva L.N.

Head: assistant of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases with a course of radiation diagnostics Vasilieva Lidiya Nikolaevna

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